
Attack machine info

IP address: **

Task 1

Q: What does the acronym SQL stand for? A: Structured Query Language

Task 2

Q: What is one of the most common type of SQL vulnerabilities? A: SQL Injection

Task 3

Q: What does Pii stand for>? A: Personalyl Identifiable Information

Task 4

Q: What does the OWASP Top 10 list name the classification for this vulnerability A: Ao3:2021-Injection

Task 5

Q: What service and version are running on port 80 of the target? A: Apache httpd 2.4.38 ((Debian)) └─$ nmap -sV -sC -Pn Need to use the flag -Pn because the IP was blocking nmaps ping probs.

80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.38 ((Debian))
|_http-title: Login

Task 6

Q: What is the standard port used for the HTTPS protocol? A: 443

Task 7

Q: What is one luck-based method of exploiting login pages? A: brute-forcing

Task 8

Q: What is a folder called in web-application terminology? A: directory


Q: What response code is given for “Not Found” errors? A: 404

Task 10

Q: What switch do we use with Gobuster to specify we’re looking to discover directories, and not subdomains? A: dir

Task 11

Q: What symbol do we use to comment out parts of the code? A: #


i tried to brute force the username and password combo with generic parameters such as admin:admin password:password etc however none of them worked.

Note how the box has talked about SQL injectionn which could be a hint. I know that we can trick the box parameters into thinking the statement is done by adding a '# to the first username to comment out the password to get and sql statement that liikes like

	SELECT user WHERE username = 'admin' #' && password = 

Note how the password and the one ' is commented out? This lets us login because there is no santization of input.